Fiona Fox的博客


这是高级新闻经理兼心理健康与神经科学主管埃德·赛克斯(Ed Sykes)的客座帖子,也是STEMPRA主席。


那么,为什么这么多人似乎很陌生,以至于公关的世界可能同样混杂?作为著名的科学博客大卫·科尔奎恩(David Colquhoun)就在今天发推文“ PR是付出的谎言和对立的Sciencc [sic]”“公关永远不会有价值。它从根本上是腐败的”,许多人可能会同意。但是我认为,有了我们有竞争力的24小时媒体媒体景观和即时截止日期,负责的新闻官员可以成为我们的救世主。


我们为什么要关心?好吧,愤世嫉俗的原因可能是因为我们获得了薪水来保护组织的声誉。这意味着确保我们不炒作,发出基于非证据的评论或通过挑选最新价值的方面来扭曲科学。We know that if we do play dirty it will come back to bite us in the form of public criticism, losing the trust of respected journalists or receiving an inbox full of complaints from other scientists – and it will damage the reputations we’re paid to protect. A less cynical reason is that many of us simply care about accuracy – we have seen the damage caused by claims around MMR, miracle cures for cancer and fears over Fukushima. We are often the ones on the other end of the phone or email who receive requests from the public wanting to get their hands on a new super-pill or worried that their children are going to be brain-damaged. Being accurate and responsible is a self-serving stance to take.

在PR世界中,新闻稿仍然是国王。在最近的两个STEMPRA事件MRC/Wellcome新闻官员培训日专业的科学和健康记者告诉我们,新闻稿仍然是与他们联系的最佳方法 - 他们每天都从企业,慈善机构,期刊,研究渠道和大学获得数百种。大多数人直接进入垃圾箱。但是,并非来自受人尊敬的商店的新闻稿,这些新闻稿来自众所周知的有证据证明其主张的地方,这些地方是报告的。

At the Science Media Centre I remember a senior journalist telling us that “you’re only as good as your last press briefing” and whilst I hope that everyone is allowed the odd mistake it reinforces just how much accuracy and trust is valued by journalists – the very people we have to work with. If we aren’t trusted, we can’t do our jobs. In fact, just next week Stempra is运行事件与那些试图建立是否通过包括警告来提高新闻稿的准确性,局限性和上下文都会影响最终覆盖范围的数量和准确性。这项研究将意味着新闻官员可以与同龄人和同事进行基于证据的对话,而不仅仅是依靠接受的智慧。

但是,为什么我们根本需要新闻官员呢?没有我们,为什么记者不能继续工作?事实是,不良的新闻官员被忽略和规避,但是正如任何记者都会告诉您的那样,一个好的新闻官员值得他们的黄金重量。记者每天承受着荒谬的压力:找到它们,总结了二十年的研究中的几百个单词,并在几个小时内收到了独立专家的评论。他们有望在从埃博拉病毒到电子患者记录或干细胞再到太阳风暴的所有事物。他们不能。没有记者有一本黑皮书足够大,或者在任何给定的问题上都知道最好的人,或者知道他们是可用还是乐于发表评论。The best press officers know their experts inside out, have earned their trust, and are able to convince scientists that they should be taking time out of their busy schedule to explain to journalists why they should or shouldn’t be covering a particular story, point out any holes in the research, or explain why everyone should be paying attention.

最好的新闻官员并没有停止仅仅认识他们的专家。他们也是站在自己的组织中的人。有时他们需要冷静下同事和雇主,解释为什么某些语言会导致新闻界大肆宣传,并在公众中引起虚假的希望。是的,就像大卫·科尔奎恩(David Colquhoun),“公关意味着人们获得特定观点的报酬”,但是如果他们为科学组织工作,那应该是属于其科学家,专家的人,并考虑了最新的证据。There are also occasions when it’s up to the press officer to push the organisation to speak out on controversial issues (such as climate change, the use of animals in research, fracking or GM crops), because if no-one speaks then the whole of science, and public understanding, suffers as a result.

The question for me is not can we rein in the media beast, or how do we do away with press officers, or how do we stop journalists from relying on them, or even whether press officers are or aren’t a force for evil – instead it is how do we ensure that all PR professionals work to the very highest standards and keep to an ethical and professional code that will benefit everyone. Just like scientists or journalists, press officers are definitely not all perfect, but when it comes to being a force for good there are some who can stand tall with the best of them.





