伟德国际娱乐官方网址博客-科学媒体中心 //www.ctlprod.com 科学相遇标题 元2021年8月9日 10:22:21+00 en-GB 时钟 一号 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.6.7 科林布莱克莫尔FRS //www.ctlprod.com/festschrift-for-colin-blakemore-frs/ //www.ctlprod.com/festschrift-for-colin-blakemore-frs/#comments 伟德国际娱乐官方网址 mon,09August20210930:22+00 博客 //www.ctlprod.com/?p=46351 友教Colin Blakemore教授从.

我最近得到毁灭性消息 我的朋友导师Colin Blakemore教授 从香港返回牛津科林和朋友邀请我和TraceyBrown科学讲科林科学社会工作tracey和Colin同意我可发到博客上.

SenseObjectScience 伟德国际娱乐官方网址摘自Colin BlakemoreFRS 网站sstriftI'm emphasizing Colin's role in the movement that grew around science and society issues this past twenty years – the terrain of public discussion, media reporting and policy use of science.

I am anxious to pull out what I feel might get lost in the general hurrah for science and society and science communication – and must not.

To review a 20-year collaboration with Colin Blakemore is to review the significant history of the science and society relationship, and its most challenging issues and progressive moments.

There is no way to fit even the most creative successes into a 15-minute talk, and certainly not one that should reference work with others and before that time.

My science and society journey with Colin has taken us through neuroscience quackery, the MMR controversy, and the portrayal of research on contested issues such as GMOs and stem cells.内容包括起草独立科学咨询原理,2010年David Cameron将该原理增入部级守则并展开各种运动,例如与数以十万计的病人、医生和研究者一起改变国际实验报告规则的Allsprites-Servement-ServerationService在我的启发下,我们作为John Maddox奖创始评委一起工作serves onScience:

训练研究者用人回答问题伟德国际娱乐官方网址and mobilise both to advocate for transparent use of evidence and a healthy public space to discuss research.

He has been just as strong an influence in the activities of the Science Media Centre and an early illustration for them of ‘what good looks like', and of course in Understanding Animal Research, the Association of British Science Writers, the BA and others.

Fiona Fox, director of the Science Media Centre, who was really disappointed not to be able to get here today, has asked me to include some of her reflections and she makes a similar point:

"With life at the SMC getting a little calmer than in previous years,  I took a sabbatical in the summer of 2019 to write a book about the big science media stories I have been involved with. Then the biggest story of all came along and the book was put on ice.记得我清楚地坐在Donegal小屋里想 出版商是否会反对多引用一位科学家大部分科学家都出现在相关章节中,科林几乎都出现在相关章节中。



itit in1992-1992!回到人们不说话时-他和反剖析师Les Ward联合组成Boyd集团-公开交换观点和关注问题,由医学伦理学家Kenneth Boyd主持参与其中对科学家来说是一个达马斯泰恩时刻After three years of learning to talk to each other the biologist Patrick Bateson declared to the Royal Society "It can be done".

In 2009, following a string of problems with political interference in the work of independent scientific advisory groups, the Home Secretary sacked David Nutt, chair of the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs and it was clear that the very principle of independent scientific advice advocated by the Phillips Inquiry into BSE, was severely damaged.  That Sunday night, I was in a three-way email exchange with Colin and the MP Evan Harris, drafting the principles that should underpin use of independent advisors.Simultaneously, Evan and I were exchanging text messages remarking on how strong Colin's support for this approach was and how articulate his edits were.

I then discovered that it was in a speech at the then British Association for the Advancement of Science, as it was then, in 1998 that Colin had already set out,

"The wider need for independent scientific advice, and the importance of embedding science at the heart of government" as number one on the list of challenges for the new millennium.

And anticipating another campaign two decades later, "Finally, in the spirit of openness that this government has espoused, the nature of advice and the way in which it is used should be made public, except in rare cases of risk to national security."

But to return to Colin's frank approach to animals in research, it was actually a considerably long time before other this adopted on other issues, and I think it continues to be threatened by patronising activity and a desire to cut the public out when the real decisions are being made.

The Boyd group showed what could be achieved acting in good faith and a genuine attempt to listen and figure out the underlying assumptions even in the most essentially polarised issues.

Colin was frustrated though that so many researchers shrugged the situation off as hopeless and retreated behind laboratory walls.这是他2003年快速行动的新医学研究委员会主管:他的目的是鼓励研究人员这样做,鼓励他们承担责任。

He还发现支持SMC的到来,Fiona在那里接受挑战帮助和鼓励其他研究者加入他,防止孤立并急切要求研究机构出来上大学通信系隐藏动物研究科林已经在那里Fighting that lack of openness a decade before the rest of us."


Which brings me to the second point.

If society is talking about it, experienced scientists shouldn't duck it

In this Colin gave us, I would argue, the best example of breadth of responsibility balanced with humility about expertise. 

Society wanted to talk about science, sometimes prompted by the hype or scare stories running in the press, or by the opposition of activists, campaign groups or politicians to frontier research, or because evidence was conflicting and stuff went wrong, and happened with human variant CJD, or just because the research world appeared to be breaking new barriers in its applications, such as the use of stem cells.

If it's not your field don't duck it – help people find the right questions and expertise.都从他的榜样中取下许多引导力, 引导研究者为公众、记者和政治家提供音频资讯和好题材.

/p>坐在办公桌上而不是后台, 令你觉得他同样想与你接触.当我第一次去见他时,他逼我说,我们应该愿意开开难题, 那些距离科学通信Wow最远者我们应当不惧怕他们并高期望实现的东西。



我们应该拥有分歧面对我们所收集证据的歧义和误解, 并面对它所隐含的影响 — — 即以公开诚实语言拥有它 — — 仍然太少见,serve++/h3/p>He一直拥有分歧并点名问题并开始对16所最关键大学进行巡回访问 。

>与心怀不满的科学家相容,人们可能期望他聪明地避免MRC近代历史中更难堪的时段,但他沉浸于这些时段 。 Anna Fazackerly在守护者时写道 。

他不害怕分歧,开学探索它,并以此方式显示对他的科学比字句或自大可能做的更大信任It stands in contrast to the deplatforming, ridiculing, ad hominem and attempts to control the public space that beset both researchers and the public now on so many subjects.

This is not to be confused with indulgence.

Colin has spoken clearly when people misrepresent research and evidence.

And equally clearly about its uncertainties.

He is plain about what he thinks is wrong.

As Fiona points out on the Tim Hunt affair: a case where "so many others in science told me privately that they knew Tim was the wrong poster boy for sexism in science but none-the-less they felt they had to ask for his resignation.科林辞去英国科学作家协会会长职务,抗议他们没有批评Tim在南韩有选择地发布评论。”


ColinBlakemore远比时间长得多,他在这个时间后会长菲奥娜和我 和许多其他人可以告诉你, 从目前极富挑战性时间的前沿, 他给我们很多东西,并探索我们的歧见以确保科学与社会关系从整体中解脱出来。

Colind Colin已经做了所有这一切我不知道但我知道没有他我们办不到 //www.ctlprod.com/festschrift-for-colin-blakemore-frs/feed/ 一号 高声说话:当无法插补泄漏时应做什么 //www.ctlprod.com/speak-up-what-to-do-when-you-cant-plug-the-leak/ //www.ctlprod.com/speak-up-what-to-do-when-you-cant-plug-the-leak/#respond 伟德国际娱乐官方网址 Frii,02JUL202111:40:00+00 博客 气候变化 //www.ctlprod.com/?p=45836 伟德国际娱乐官方网址由澳大利亚科学媒体中心媒体官Olivia Henry提供It was originally … read more 伟德国际娱乐官方网址

这是澳大利亚科学媒体中心媒体官Olivia Henry的客服伟德国际娱乐官方网址smc.org.au/news/asmc-blog-what-to-do-但我支持我们的决定 响应这样一个大故事马脱机,没有布朗尼保持紧贴点.




我们多次看到-最近公众对改变表情的反应快速浏览脸书反馈将显示无数人质疑卫生局的合法性,完全理解专家对未完成报告的关切 。

should we really推广这种行为吗?a question我多次被问到.

As struess谷仓门不关闭-我们不能用不支持外观和未回复邮箱重构故事。

Climate科学是一个持续和有争议的题目,事实常常丢失到观点和政治观点中去请求专家评论决不会漏出报告 — — 但它要做的是确保当前讨论中正确声音被听到 。


Journalists会写出它并需要个人评论专家若置之不理 仍需要评论或不知道科学但有公共平台和许多观点者?


我向相关专家的建议是讲故事if you're不自在评论非定时的东西 说为什么拥有定时细节如此重要以它为契机 讨论你自己发布的调查结果 或用它斥责泄漏者/p>/p>/sp>/sp>/excord评论专家(可理解)不自在地评语./p>/p>/p>/bt教授墨尔本大学的Rodney Keenan报告草稿作为机密工作文件提供给政府和审查者,条件是不公开分发、引用或引用。


Experts,请别害怕高手高手高手高手高手高手高手高手高手高手高手高手高手高手高手高手高手高手高手高手高手高手高手高手高手高手高手高手高手高手高手高手高手高手高手高手高手高手高手推理科学不对媒体说话 别人会 //www.ctlprod.com/speak-up-what-to-do-when-you-cant-plug-the-leak/feed/ 0 段段哀悼不能阻塞健康通信 //www.ctlprod.com/a-period-of-mourning-shouldnt-stop-health-communications-in-a-pandemic/ //www.ctlprod.com/a-period-of-mourning-shouldnt-stop-health-communications-in-a-pandemic/#respond 伟德国际娱乐官方网址 Wed2021年4月14日 博客 Corona病毒 CoVID-19 //www.ctlprod.com/?p=44697 Fiona Fox博客包含作者思想, 而不是表达工作或策略.s///ss//ss/scemedcentre.org/a-service-of-mourning-fort-service-servation-servations-a-servations-servations-servations/ 伟德国际娱乐官方网址yFionaFox


iSMC独立于RI外,但内居内位和Beronses Susan Greenfield主管坚守进度表。

数周后,我们正常工作中断时流出奇异和烦人需求多数我忘记了, 但记得当刚刚发生时,我们必须画墙, 当天上班的工作人员或记者都不准进食, 等到王室情侣离开后再进食。期望整件事情结束但我画线时被告知 警方嗅探狗会提前访问 正值我们运行 长计划自然简介我的拒绝令RI员工惊心动魄,我等待看自己是否会因违抗命令而被带到Tower归根结底,我拒绝跳动导致表面上不可动物变可动性,嗅探狗后来运抵从经验中我学到的是,否则正常理性人环游皇家院,但是宫官如果人们推回,可能相当合理。

i上星期被提醒注意这一点,当时医学机构数位同事告诉我,Philip亲王死后数小时内,他们被告知立即停止媒体主动工作卫生与社会关怀局请求所有主动媒体与社交媒体通讯暂停全周以反映哀悼期,但最紧急操作和法律活动除外。 新闻故事)和通讯. >"此暂停持续至4月19日星期一。


我的第一个响应是-为什么?六天后,我仍在请求,没有人能提供答案平时政府机关停止计划媒体工作时,我也能理解为什么设计协议者 可能没有将王室死亡 计算成全球大流行但是... 我们陷入大流行在此情况下,我们当然只需要表示礼貌拒绝SMC政府专家无法参加重要的疫苗简介会,目前正在与可能出席但不可引用的专家商谈一次新闻简介会。

a几年前,我加入皇家统计学会和政府学院的朋友ss/www.sciencemedicentre.org/letter-to-sir-jeremy-shewing-sking-clarifity-of-purdah-rules-scients/'优智规则禁止政府部门发布大公告 使掌权方受益 错误地应用到大学科学家令人吃惊的是,我们无法找到一个认为这是一个好主意的政治家或科学家。但没有人感到自己有责任挑战它我们向它挑战并胜出政府从未打算将这些规则应用到科学家身上,并商定重置预选规则以明确说明这一点。

I'm not to夸大Prince Philip签名的影响只剩下八天 医学机构已经 寻找智能方法绕过它但仍感觉大错特错管理这些组织的杰出科学家为什么同意遵守这些愚蠢的规则为何他们不说每个通情达理者都想的东西-即大流行中间不适切并可能危害公众健康 3 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /我打赌他们中没有人会因叛国罪被送进塔普林普林普林斯ss/www.royal.uk/duke-edinburgs-message-evene-who-helping-tackle-pandic //www.ctlprod.com/a-period-of-mourning-shouldnt-stop-health-communications-in-a-pandemic/feed/ 0 无错-女科学家是我们应对大流行病的核心 //www.ctlprod.com/make-no-mistake-about-it-women-scientists-are-at-the-heart-of-our-response-to-the-pandemic/ //www.ctlprod.com/make-no-mistake-about-it-women-scientists-are-at-the-heart-of-our-response-to-the-pandemic/#respond 伟德国际娱乐官方网址 52021年3月1515:1522+00 博客 Corona病毒 CoVID-19 科学界的妇女 //www.ctlprod.com/?p=44053 Fiona Fox博客包含作者思想, 而不是表达工作或策略. 伟德国际娱乐官方网址P>Fiona Fox


Typical headlines include: